As a leader in the renewable energy field, we create a
sustainable future through research and development.
As a leader in the field of new and renewable energy,
MK Solar Co., Ltd. is creating a sustainable future through
the development of high-purity technology for electronic
and semiconductor-related materials and recycling research.
A sustainable future through research and development
Rare earth metal research
Secure supply stability by continuing regeneration research to resolve China's rare earth resource risks
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Waste phosphoric acid tablets
Realization of environmental protection through waste phosphoric acid purification researchs
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Valuable metal recovery research
Create added value through valuable metal recovery technology and reduce dependence on imports
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Wood pellet eco-friendly material
Reduce environmental emissions and provide energy solutions through eco-friendly material technology
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MK Solar Co., Ltd. Research Center is a
place where master's/doctoral level research experts
with diverse experience in the field gather.
Leading research areas

Utilizing state-of-the-art research equipment, we play a leading role in chemical refining and rare earth and valuable metal recovery research.

Innovative technologies and ideas

Through continuous research and development and investment, we are turning innovative ideas into reality and laying a solid foundation for commercialization.

Sustainable future

Our vision is to contribute to creating a sustainable future. To this end, we develop environmentally friendly and innovative technologies and aim to create social value.

Technology and national contribution

By securing patents with high technology and successfully carrying out government national projects, we are contributing to the improvement of national R&D capabilities.